Extend Your Reach, Grow Your Business

Enhance Your Offerings with the Our Community

 Our partnership program is designed to complement your existing services with our cutting-edge digital badges and self-paced online courseware, empowering you to attract and educate both newcomers and seasoned professionals in agile marketing. Join us to leverage our extensive network, gain visibility, and share your thought leadership with an engaged audience hungry for growth.

Why Partner With Us?

  • Extend Your Product Line

    Incorporate our lightweight digital badges and comprehensive online courseware to offer a holistic learning experience.

  • Earn Together

    Benefit from our referral revenue & licensing programs, adding a lucrative stream to your revenue model

  • Gain Visibility

    Feature in our partner directory, increasing your exposure to our dedicated audience.

  • Share Your Expertise

    Contribute thought leadership through blog posts, webinars, and reports, establishing your authority in the agile marketing space.

  • Exclusive Offers

    Provide special discounts to our members to extend your reach and engage new prospects.

How it Works

Explore and Apply

Review our partnership criteria and submit your application through a simple online form

Collaborate on Strategy

Once approved, we'll work together to align our offerings and set you up for success.

Launch and Grow

Start integrating our digital badges and courseware, and leverage our platform to amplify your reach.

Contact Us About Becoming a Partner