Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can I become a member of the Agile Marketing Alliance?
The Agile Marketing Alliance accepts anyone who wants to learn about Agile marketing and/or interact with other marketers interested in Agile marketing. If you are interested in joining the Alliance, request to join, explaining why you want to join and we’ll approve your membership. We don’t allow spammers or anyone who joins the Alliance solely to promote their products or services.
What is the Agile Marketing Alliance?
The Agile Marketing Alliance is a group of individuals who are passionate about furthering the practice of Agile marketing. Agile marketing takes a small-batch, test-and-learn approach to creating and delivering value for our internal and external customers.
Do I have to pay to become a member of the Agile Marketing Alliance?
No. Our main goal is to build and serve the Agile marketing community. At some point, we will be taking a look at the value propositions and overall membership structure and we may offer additional value as part of a paid membership. But for now, there is no cost to join or participate.