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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I become a member of the Agile Marketing Alliance?
The Agile Marketing Alliance is free to join. Just click on the button at the top right of every page and you can join.
What is the Agile Marketing Alliance?
The Agile Marketing Alliance is a group of individuals who are passionate about furthering the practice of Agile marketing. Agile marketing takes a small-batch, test-and-learn approach to creating and delivering value for our internal and external customers.
Do I have to pay to become a member of the Agile Marketing Alliance?
Our main goal is to build and serve the Agile marketing community. At present, there is no cost to join or participate.
Our Big Purpose
Our big purpose is to bring together a global community of people who are passionate about Agile marketing to learn, share, and grow together so that we can be better marketers, advance our careers, and rediscover the joy of marketing.
If that sounds like something you’d like to be part of, join us. It’s free to join, no credit card required.